Sonntag, 2. April 2017

#6: Walk a mile in my Shoes ...

(Hello in Arabic)

Even though, if you have noticed, I like the Color "Pink" A LOT, I do like to wear everything in black also. I like to dress like a creature with a tail and horns now and then and sometimes I like to be a cute Princess. So the other day, I saw this skirt and had to combine it with something dark. It was the perfect skirt to create a dark like "hunted", outfit.

Enjoy Shopping ❤

Body Parts:

Eyes: -SU!- - Bastet Eyes

Skin: L'Etre - Cheyenne Skin [Cotton Tone] CATWA 

Hands: Slink - Slink Hands - Dynamic - Female 

Body: Maitreya - Mesh Body - Lara 

Hair: *Besom~ - Show Stopper*Essentials*

Head: Catwa - Catya V2.10 

Nails: Astralia - Compatible mesh nails system (Slink)


Top: Sweet Thing. - Lace Up Crop - Noir 

Skirt: -SU!- - Harness Skirt 05


Gartered Legs: -SU!- - Gartered Legs 


Collar: [LF] - Akuma Ring Collar BLACK BOX 

Septum Piercing: *Soonsiki~New Age Septum Rings (Store is closed)

Nose Stud: PUNCH / Diamond Nose Stud 

Bracelet 1: :::insanya::: - Psycho Bracelets - Frost Gift

Bracelet 2: Sweet Thing. - Pentagram Trick Bracelets 


Brows: *ScS* - Refined Eyebrows Dark Brown

Full Face Make-Up: P O E M A - the choni night - (MP ONLY!)


*Bolson - Tattoo Mesh Body Pack - Osiris

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