Samstag, 20. Januar 2018

#116: Texting & Chill


I got a invite I'd like to extend witcha name on it
So come through, don't sleep on me
I want ya, you can pick any genre
I'm all action, no drama
It's on you just how far go, fast forward or slow mo
Even film a few scenes of our own
When I get you home you know it's on for real
Netflix and chill

-DJ Cruze - NETFLIX & CHILL (feat. Tommy Gunz & Idrise)

Enjoy Shopping 


Head: Catwa - Lona

Body: Maitreya - Lara

Hair: Stealthic - Lithe

Nails: SlackGirl - Ballerina basic Mesh Nail Maitreya

Eyes: Zombie Suicide - Eve Eyes [@ AnyBody 07.01. - 30.01.2018]


Dress: Nana - Elfi Withe Dress [@ Suicide DollZ Start 14.01.2018]

Shoes: *elise* - Angela


Earwarmers: *elise*  - Dalila

.random.Matter. - Rose Glasses - Gold

.random.Matter. - Noticed By Senpai - Lanyard

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